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BF - 01684 212 027
HS - 01684 212 025

If you follow us here you will know we like to keep you up to date with seasonal developments. But what about the bigger picture? The “perennial~” as it were?

We have a range of downloadable documents that will guide you more specifically through some of our more complex product choices.

Coir Pallets

We produce and pre-establish high quality Coir Pallets with mature aquatic vegetation for numerous applications.

  • Coir Pallets can be an excellent technique for establishing native marginal vegetation around lake edges, streams and rivers banks.
    Coir Pallets are an organic living revetment and provide erosion control and rapid vegetation establishment.
    Coir Pallets are produced as 1m and 0.5m wide units to suit various applications.
    Coir Pallets are available unplanted or pre-established with mature native wetland plants.

Standard plant mixes are available from stock all year round or specialist mixes can be contract grown to order.
We have developed a range of specific species mixes for use in all types of water bodies.
We plant our pallets at a high density and grow on at the nursery from between 12 to 24 months to ensure that the vegetation is dense and provides an instant hardy cover.

Download our Coir Pallet PDF by clicking here

Hedge and Tree Guards

WhiptecBio guards have been developed with advice from arboriculturists for over 9 years and have been trialled in a variety of locations and conditions.
They help create a more realistic natural climate without the extremes of hot and cold temperatures and provide shelter from extreme weather for the young whips, resulting on stronger initial establishment and a much higher survival rate. They also provide vital protection from browsing animals.

Download our full Hedge and Tree Guard  PDFs by clicking here

Floating Islands

Deployment of floating islands is a form of bioengineering. The arrangement of the islands (and access to them), ease of launch, type of anchoring, planting scheme, root structures and habitat creation above and below the surface of the water are all important design considerations, as is the decision to fence or leave an island unfenced.

Understanding the launch site is key to success.
BioHaven® is a floating island that is designed to provide a natural riparian edge from the moment of launch.

Download our Floating Islands PDF by clicking here