Wild Clary – Salvia verbenaca

Wild Clary (Salvia verbenaca) also known as Wilde Sage, is a strong aromatic flower who has been used to make teas and flavourings. Although this pland has a soft purple / violet colouring, it is often confused with the much taller and rarer meadow clary (Salvia pratensis).
Wild Clary has an opened mouthed flower with a hooded top and three lobed lower lip, and although it can self pollinate wild clary is highly attractive to a wide range of bee species and other pollinating insects. This plant prefers neutral and alkaline soils and needs full sun to thrive well in an environment . The flowers are erect and the stem is “hairy”, while the leaves are wrinkled and have toothed edges with a grey / green colour to them and range between 3 – 10 cm long.

Wild Clary is commonly found in well drained, base rich soils, typically around grassland on sunny banks and near to stable sand dunes. It can sometimes be found within churchyards, as in medieval times, they used to sow the seeds onto graves. This was usually done during the spring and autumn months.


Height: 3 – 10cm
Flowering Time: July to October
Preferred Conditions: Prefers well drained, base rich soil amd can be found in open grassland and sand dunes or areas of high sun.

Wild Clary - Salvia verbenaca