See what you can do to help Britains’ wildlife, the Royal Horticulltural Society and The Wildlife Trusts have set aside a week dedicated to helping wildlife to thrive in the nations’ gardens. At Phoenix Amenity Supplies we will be offering help and advice about planting wildflowers to anyone who needs it. Call 01684 212020 or email us for any advice. 

“Between October 25–31, gardeners and community groups across Britain will unite in an effort to halt the decline of UK species.

Hedgehog numbers have reduced by a third since the millennium and tortoiseshell butterflies, once common in gardens, have declined by 77% (State of Nature Report, 2013). The RHS and The Wildlife Trusts (TWT) are spearheading a new initiative to help halt declines such as these, and are calling on the public to get involved in ‘Wild About Gardens Week’ (25–31 October, 2013).

Chris Baines, Vice President of The Wildlife Trusts, said: “The nation’s gardens are hugely important for wildlife and as a habitat network they are second to none”.”