Natural Meadow and Laminitics Grass Seed Mix

£126.95 acre

Product Description


Natural Meadow and Laminitics Grass Seed Mix!

from the Phoenix Amenity Paddock and Pasture Grass Seed Range

This natural meadow grass seed mix is combined with specific herbs which aim to reduce the risk of laminitis. This seed mixture does not create the bulk but it does provide the vital vitamins and minerals in a natural form for the animals.


  • 5.0kg Late Timothy
  • 2.5kg Meadow Fescue
  • 1.5kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
  • 3.0kg Creeping Red Fescue
  • 1.0kg Chewings Fescue
  • 0.5kg Mixed Herbs

13.5kg per Acre