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Soil Type

When is a wildflower not a wildflower?

The answer lies in the diversity of British wildflowers. Each offering something unique to the garden, each also requiring something unique from the soil and area it is planted in. The am out of light, the depth of seeding and, obvious to any British gardener, the amount of watering, usually amply supplied by the British weather.

The soil type is where the first decision needs to be made. Ph balance, the acidity or alkaline levels of the soil is the first consideration.

A simple Ph measuring kit will give you the details you need to make an informed decision and from that point Phoenix Amenities could provide you with the right wildflower mix for your soil type,

A heavy clay soil might suit a mix that can handle a damper environment but are resilient to a more varied Ph level.

Your more fertile and sunned soil would be an excellent place to grow red clover and oxeye daisies that would attract Bees and other pollinating insects.


The variation between seasons and within a growing season should be considered. Areas that have strong variation in light during the day due to its facing. Climates that can fluctuate between wet and dry and soil that is not as fertile.

It is common for wildflower areas, when purposefully planned, to be in the less fertile areas with interesting topography and perhaps less than optimal growing conditions.  That may be the reason you decide that the area is a wildflower set-aside in the first place.

So, choosing a seed mix which can flourish in changeable and sometime adverse conditions is important. Mixes that contain teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) and red campion (Silene dioica) might be good options here. Luckily here at Phoenix amenities we have mixes that will thrive almost anywhere.

The Environment

Wildflowers that support rare and specialised pollinators such as scabious, viper’s bugloss and kidney vetch make an attractive vista and provide a vital food source for some of Britain’s endangered pollinating insects.

Preparation is often required to give your wildflower mix the best start. Certain vigorously growing wild grasses and brambles will drain the soil of nutrients and block light making your wildflower mix struggle to establish itself,

Clearing the ground, working the top layer of soil, being careful not to work to deeply as this might disturb the seed layer to create a good environment for your wildflower mix.

Allowing your mix to germinate properly before removing immature plants and ensuring a decent tilth will give your British Wildflowers the best chance of success.

Our Products

Here at we can provide the exact mix of wildflower seeds for your conditions. On any scale from a small garden patch to commercial quantities for contract work.

If you are unsure of your requirements, the amount of seed, the type of wildflower seed that’s right for you, then contact us here.